
New Year, New You: Embrace a Healthier Smile with Our Dental Wellness Membership Plan!

Written by Dr. Kasia Marelich Jan 2 • 6 minute read

At Santa Rosa Dentistry, we are always striving to find new ways to enhance your dental care experience, and today, we are thrilled to introduce our brand-new Dental Wellness Membership Plan – an initiative designed with your well-being in mind.

In recent times, we've witnessed the challenges that many of you face when it comes to navigating the complex world of insurance, particularly dental insurance. The struggles with rising premiums, limited coverage, and the constant battle with insurance companies to secure necessary treatments have been all too real. We understand the frustration and the anxiety that can accompany the pursuit of quality dental care.

The Dental vs. Medical Insurance Conundrum:

It's important to acknowledge the unique challenges faced by those seeking dental coverage compared to their counterparts seeking medical insurance. Unlike medical insurance, dental insurance often comes with substantial limitations and exclusions that can leave patients feeling underserved and financially burdened.

Limitations of Dental Insurance:

  • Everyone is treated the same: while your dental insurance plan may cover most of your preventative services such as cleanings and exams, it puts most patients into the same bucket. A healthy 20 year old and a 70 year old with arthritis who may have a difficult time holding a toothbrush are both allowed two cleanings per year. The dental insurance does not account for the increased need for preventative treatment of the elderly patient. We have many patients who would benefit from more than two hygiene visits per year, but they feel limited by their dental insurance coverage.

  • Annual Maximums: Dental insurance frequently imposes annual maximums, limiting the amount of coverage you can receive in a given year. This can be problematic for individuals requiring extensive dental work, as they may quickly reach their coverage limits. In fact, this maximum has barely increased since the inception of dental insurance. In the 1970s, your annual maximum was about $1000. Sound familiar?  Probably, because today you are lucky if your annual maximum is $1500. Could you get an equivalent amount of dentistry in the 1970s for $1000, as for $1500 in 2023? Absolutely not! Dental insurance plans that in the 1970s could have covered all your preventative treatment in addition to extensive dental treatment, today barely covers basic preventative services leaving you with all the additional costs of dental treatment. 

  • Waiting Periods and Exclusions: Dental insurance often comes with waiting periods for major procedures, and certain treatments may be excluded altogether. This can result in delayed access to essential dental care, especially for those in immediate need. In addition, dental insurance will frequently cover basic services, some of which may be outdated, and make you pay an upgrade fee for more modern options. For example, they will cover the old type amalgam filling, but you have to pay additional if you would like a tooth colored (composite) filling. One problem with that is that most dentists no longer offer amalgam restorations simply due to patient demand for esthetic restoration and because more modern, conservative and better materials are available on the market.  

  • Limited Provider Networks: Dental insurance plans often restrict patients to a network of approved providers. In-network dentists agree to accept fees set by the insurance company that are frequently significantly lower than their regular fee and so these dentists have to see more patients to make up for the difference. As a result, you may find that an in-network dentist has a very busy schedule with limited availability to see you for your regular preventative care as well as treatment or emergencies.  

The Power of Our Dental Wellness Membership Plan:

In response to these challenges, we have curated a solution that empowers you to take control of your dental health – our Dental Wellness Membership Plan. This plan is crafted to provide you with a direct, affordable, and transparent alternative to traditional dental insurance, ensuring that your dental care is never compromised. There are many benefits for you:

  • No more surprises: Say goodbye to unpredictable premiums, hidden fees and rejected claims, and hello to transparent and affordable dental care.

  • No Insurance Dictation: You have the freedom to choose the treatments you need without the interference of insurance companies.

  • Preventive Focus: We believe in the power of preventive care, and our plan is designed to encourage regular check-ups and cleanings. By prioritizing preventive measures, you can avoid costly and invasive treatments down the road.

  • Whole Body Well-Being: Beyond the aesthetics of a beautiful smile, regular preventive dental care plays a crucial role in your overall well-being. Numerous studies have shown a strong connection between oral health and heart health. Maintaining good oral hygiene can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, as oral health is linked to systemic health. Taking care of your teeth and gums isn't just an investment in your smile but also in your overall health.

  • Preventing Big Expenses: Embracing regular preventive dental care not only contributes to your whole-body health but also helps you steer clear of major and expensive dental treatments. Detecting issues early through regular check-ups allows for timely intervention, preventing the progression of dental problems that may require more extensive and costly treatments.

  • Exclusive Discounts: Enjoy special discounts on various dental services and treatments as a member of our plan. We want to make quality dental care not just accessible but also rewarding for our valued patients.

Santa Rosa Dentistry’s Dental Wellness Membership Plan options: 

  • Adult Wellness Plan includes 3 routine cleanings per year and starts at $66 per month or $664 per year

  • Periodontal Maintenance Plan for patients with periodontal disease includes 4 periodontal maintenance visits per year and starts at $99 per month or $990 per year

  • Child Wellness Plan includes 2 cleanings per year and starts at $48 per month or $482 per year.

  • All plans include 2 exams per year, oral cancer screenings, annual Digital Health Scan, routine annual x-rays, free fluoride treatments with cleanings, 10% off treatment (fillings, crowns, etc.), and 5% off Invisalign treatment.

At Santa Rosa Dentistry, our commitment is to your dental health and overall well-being. We believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality dental care without the stress and limitations imposed by traditional dental insurance. Join us in embracing a future where your smile is prioritized, your dental journey is seamless, and your overall health is enhanced.

Signing up for our Dental Wellness Membership Plan is quick and easy. No lengthy paperwork or confusing terms – just straightforward, patient-friendly enrollment. For more information about our Dental Wellness Membership Plan or to enroll, please contact our friendly staff at 707-527-0363 or visit our homepage

We look forward to continuing to serve you and your smile!


About the Author:

Dr. Kasia Marelich graduated from Dartmouth College with a degree in Mathematics and earned her dental degree from Tufts University of Dental Medicine in 2012. She completed a General Practice Residency at the VA in Palo Alto, CA and received her Fellowship with the Academy of General Dentistry in 2022. Her passion is preventative dentistry and clear aligner therapy. She aims to educate, inspire and empower her patients to achieve the healthy smile they deserve. She practices general dentistry in Santa Rosa, CA


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Dr. Laura Ellefson & Dr. Kasia Marelich

We are dedicated to excellence in family and cosmetic dentistry, specifically prevention, crown & bridge, veneers, implants and teeth whitening. Located in Santa Rosa, California, the office serves patients throughout Sonoma County including neighboring cities such as Healdsburg, Windsor, Sebastopol, Rohnert Park and Petaluma.

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